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Me currently in the game
My stats


Welcome <insert name here>, to my profile. Here I will tell you about my stats and traits in the game and other things about me.


I have a Custom Skin what I like to call a Phoenix Knight. You can see it to the right. (If you're on an iPhone, look above)


I mostly wear nothing, but sometimes I do. I wear this in...

Survival: Headphones, Custom Cape

Capture the Flag: King's Crown, Royal Knight Cape

Deadly Games: Great Samurai Helmet, Archimage Cape

I wear Ninja Tabi on everything.


On everything, I hold...

Rambo's Rifle, a Plasma Pistol, a Fire Demon, a Total Exterminator, and an Archimage Dragon Wand.


Living Quarters

I currently have 3 living quarters and 1 base. My official home is a little house in a forest in a Village. The other 2 are tree houses. One is in Sky Islands and the other is in Afternoon Battlefield/Night Hunting I also made myself King of Blue Castle in Two Castles. I sit on the throne, protecting the Blue Flag, seldom going after the Red Flag.

Purpose of Looks

The logo is supposed to be a blue electric skull that is in the Navy. Rumor has it that the electric skull belongs to Wolfenstein. Probably is, but who cares? It looks cool :P

A bigger and "depixelized" version of the Kninja Knights Logo in the game

Also, ich wette, du bist mit, Google, dies zu übersetzen >:P

The Official Kninja Knights Cape

The cape is supposed to be the electric skull in the Clan Logo facing a Sangheili, or Elite, from Halo, but a few differences are noticed between the Elite in the cape and the one in the game. I call the one in the cape a Retinain. The Elekulls (What I call the electric skulls) and the Retinains are allies.



I have a sort of futuristic knight that I call a Phoenix Knight (Look above). A de-pixelized picture of it to the right.

Kninja Knights Clan

My clan, that I created, is called Kninja Knights. And yes, I am aware that it's actually spelled Ninja, but the added K- is just for effect of the name :P

Now, I do have some requirements for joining the clan. If I see anyone joining the clan without my consent you will be kicked.

The requirements are just so that you can become a better player (excluding Requirement No.1 and 4), and won't help at all if you're, say, Rank 13. Sorry :P

If you want to join, just leave a message on my Message Wall and I'll reply. Once I say "Yes, you can join", then take some pictures so I have proof that you have done the requirements below. You can either put them in a slideshow, or make numerous pictures all scattered around your message. I would rather prefer a slideshow, but eh. I don't care what you choose.

There are 5 requirements total. These are the requirements:

  • Must have bought the Custom Skin creator, and use that creator to make a Ninja and a Knight
    • If you're short on coins, just use the free, pre-made Knight skin or the pre-made Ninja skin that's 25 coins.
  • Must have at least one sword, a Cactus Flail, or any of the Flail's upgrades (Ex., Lava Flail)
  • Must have also bought the Custom Cape creator, and make a cape very similar to what my Custom Cape looks like. It makes sense for there not to be same colored eyes on the Retinian.
  • Use similar Accessories on your character (You can follow this rule but if you want to you can use your Custom Skin I needed you to make)
  • Must have access to Block World


<poll> Which upgrade should I get first? (You have 1 week) Automatic Peacemaker M3 Doomsday Flamethrower Diablo </poll>