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Hello. My name is timmythepotato69. I am, in the words of my friends. a noob.Though I started playing in 2014-2016, I had to get a new device, and since I didn't have an iCloud or GameCenter then, I lost my progress. Many years later, I saw my friend play this game. Curious, I looked at his phone, and saw him play PG3D. After that, I started again, increasing my levels and upgrading my guns. I was scrolling through this wiki, and I decided that I wanted to help, so I started editing.

Questions and answers

Q.Where are you from?

A. London

Q.What are your favourite games?

A. Probably Star Wars Battlefront 2 after the microtransactions were removed. The OG was the GOAT too. I also am a fan of Doom, The Last of Us (Not Part 2), and Minecraft.

Q.What do you do in your spare time?

A. Read manga, play video games, etc.

Q. What is your favourite manga/anime?

A. Death Note, by a mile. Tokyo Ghoul, Naruto, Bleach and Assassination Classroom are great too.

Q. F2P or P2W?

A. F2P. I don't want to pour money into a mobile game.

PG3D Loadout (I'm a noob, don't judge me :( )

Primary: Hellraiser, Plasma Minigun. I sometimes use my Marksman and Photon Shotgun if I feel like it, too.

Backup: Mercenary, Trick and Treat, Neon Fighter

Melee:Leaders Sword, Zeus Chain-Sword

Special: Plasma Spreader, Ricochet Rifle, Solar Ray Rifle

Sniper: Brutal Headhunter, Anti-Hero Rifle

Heavy: Dark Matter Generator (Though Rarely), Grenadier