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The Phoenix is a Mythical Pet introduced in the 11.2.0 update.

It is also the pet that guides the player at the start of the match and at the loading of the game by giving them tips and tricks. It was the original guide in the Battle Pass only for the first season, the Phoenix season, but from now on, Robb-e became the succeeding guide.


This pet is similar in appearance with the Eagle, but it has red and orange feathers, longer tail feathers and it seems to be burning.



  • The Phoenix deals very high damage to armor-less or low level players making it a great starter pet.
  • Since the Phoenix is a Mythical pet you can use it to surprise unsuspecting enemies.
  • The burning attribute can be useful for dealing additional damage and messing up the opponent's aim.
  • If you're a sniper, use this pet with strong armor so players behind you would be killed by the Phoenix.
    • Your Phoenix teleports to you when you are far away so you don't have to worry about it getting "lost" when you rocket jump.


  • It has low health meaning that it can be exterminated in around 2-5 shots from a Primary weapon with normal to high damage.
  • Kill it when using weapons with a high fire rate and great accuracy, such as the Crystal Laser Cannon.


Level Speed Respawn Upgrade Cost Training Points Required
1 6 15 Default None
2 6 15 90 Coin.png 2
3 6 15 120 Coin.png 3
4 6 15 150 Coin.png 4
5 6 15 210 Coin.png 5
6 6 15 160 Gem.png 6
7 6 15 240 Gem.png 7
8 6 15 320 Gem.png 8


Greek mythology fire themed.


  • In the 11.3.0 update, the Phoenix can be obtained with a pack of 300Gem.png, just by spending a small amount of money.
    • However, now you can't since the offer has a limited amount of packs.
  • Winners 1200x675.png
    It is based on the Phoenix from Greek mythology.
  • The cyber counterpart is called "Cyber Phoenix".
  • The Phoenix is the winner of the Mythic Pet Battle hosted by the developers via Pixel Gun 3D Discord.

Pets System







