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Assist Info,

G'day mate,this is Assist,now remember the bug that gave us this deformity?,yeah piece of crap he was,but we gotta deal with this new life,we humans are the dominant species,it's time for our stand against all who oppose us.I'll help ya,I assist you,that's how I got my name,it isn't right to leave me under some trouble,if ya want to win,teamwork leads to our success,or failure,however eventually failure leads to our victories upon those oppose us.

Assist 360's Set

  • Black Mamba,slows my prey,making them easy kill,and still reduces the jump height of rocket jumping,but this weapon has high damage and moderate ammo,and a moderate mobility,it's versatile.
  • Thunderer,6 ammo maybe a downside,but this fire rate,and damage will compensate for the downsides it has,however it is slow so have a fast weapon with you.
  • Dark Force Saber,the fastest weapon in the entire game,and this is quite reliable to escape dozens of dangers,but it has decent damage,just use it as a mobility tool to get to point A to B.
  • Reflector,no scope,decent fire rate,and a good amount of ammunition,I hope you've done no scope kills,cause this'll teach you how to use something without a scope.
  • Prototype S,high damage,high ammo,average mobility,and a decent fire rate,well,sir,your having a good gun to have in the battlefield.
  • Killer Whale,use this for rocket jump,go ahead,good for attack too,but this is better for jumping high in the sky,it has 18 ammo,and still a slow reload,so keep in mind to cover when it reloads.


  • Dragon Whistle,high damage and a slow cool down,and can finish off targets,this excels at hitting multiple enemies,but this is better for one target anyway.
  • Stealth Bracelet,as your opponent cannot see you,good,also this is great for getting away from dangerous things,but it will be exposed to negative effects,so dodge enemy fire,so they don't see you.
  • Resurrection,once killed,you won't be dead,you'll just be revived,with only your health left,if they kill you again,then that's where you die,and has a 1 minute cool down,so don't screw around too much.

How this works on the actual battleground

  1. Spamming the snake known as Black Mamba,works as long as you can put yourself at a medium range distance,if by chance you see a sniper,scope and strafe to heavily piss them off.Though this is good for offense,it is better for defense as the slows and poison can stop flag carriers and then grab back your flag in Flag Capture.The only downside to this weapon is the fact that the primary class has the lowest damage of the classes,however it is compensated because it has the fastest fire rate of all of the classes.
  2. The 3 infamous category sniper spam,this type of spam is by far the most aggravatingly powerful of all spams,however,it is very weak when all the snipers have to reload,this can be countered,but not so easily.This works in medium-long range and can 1-2 shot to kill,or even 3 depending on their armor.This is enough to get you the most points in the match,however it's better if one of your snipers have hit them,and use a back up or primary weapon to finish them off effectively.
  3. Rocket Jump,propels you high up the sky,this is great for a overview of where your opponents are,and it's a way to get head shot kills,however do recognize the opponent with a slow down weapon.As the effect voids your jump,if you do,it will jump lower than usual,and this is a way of escaping many things like Guardian,heavy enemy fire,and many more,much extra situations.
  4. Gadgets,Dragon Whistle to finish off or heavily damage you opponent,it has wall break so it comes in handy to wall hiders,those who hide in walls.Use Stealth Bracelet when you escape,or a way of offense,try not to get hit or else your cover will get exposed.Resurrection,once dead,your opponent will not receive a kill,instead he/she has to kill you again to get that kill,aggravating enough,but this has a 1 minute cool down once used,which is the flaw of it,at least it balanced,use this to revenge on your enemy.

What I loathe and why I hate them

  • Guardian,not much to say because most if not all players have encountered this ,and when you do,your either at a disadvantageous time,or advantageous,just hope your Stealth Bracelet is ready,so you can kill him/her.
  • Santa Armor,super op and super annoying,now this is easy to counter,just have the right tools for the job and you'll destroy Santa's little killers and kill them instead of you.
  • A bad team,I get stuck with a bad team 24/7,and now I have to carry the team like a single mom taking care of a child,but I'm sick of losing because of them,and most annoyingly they have op weapons and still are bad with them.

How I react to certain things/multiplayer

  • Victory:"Good game,enemy shame","We are the killers the world needs".
  • Defeat:"I want their skull as a collection","I will be waiting for their grave,".
  • 1 kill:"1 person down,I want more dead".
  • 2 kills:"2 depraved people dead,who is next in the list".
  • 3 kills:"3 degraded killers,rotting time and time again".
  • 4 kills:"4 rakish degenerates are nothing more than an easy kill".
  • 5 kills"5 overconfident killers that have died trying to kill me ".
  • 6 kills,"6 kills is my thrill of life".
  • 10 kills,"10 have fallen,now they're forgotten"
  • MVP:"It's not for the glory,it's for the honor".