Dragon Whistle

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The Dragon Whistle is a Throwing gadget of the Legendary grade introduced in the 11.1.0 update.


It is a shining yellow/golden dragon head with white teeth. The horns and eyebrows appears cyan blue. The eyes are blood red with black irises. The whistle glows yellow when held. The dragon it summons is similar to the Dragon in Campaign and the Evil Dragon glider, available in Battle Royale and Glider Rush


Unlike most throwing gadgets, ironically, the player doesn't throw the Dragon Whistle. Instead, when used they would immediately emit a translucent bright red dragon which flies in a straight line in front of the player, causing damage to whoever and whatever it hits. If it does not kill the player, it gives a burning effect that lasts longer the more you upgrade it.



  • Use it at players that are in one line or somewhere crowded.
  • Its range is horizontal and the length of the dragon's flight despite the actual damage covering that distance instantaneously.
  • It has large area damage below where the dragon flies.
  • Slightly damage the player before sending the dragon allowing it to one-shot kill, as a dragon kill gives more points than a headshot.
  • The dragon summoned by this Gadget can travel through walls, so try using it to surprise-attack enemies retreating behind walls off-guard.
  • The dragon sets targets on fire, so if they get hit, they'll begin to take extra damage. It can even kill enemies with the burning effect, and upgrading this gadget makes the burning effect lasts longer.
  • This Gadget has an attribute similar to wall-break, so shooting this down a corridor with multiple enemies can deal damage to all of them.
  • Use this in hallways.
  • Mainly use it to finish off players.


  • Pick off its users from ranges the Dragon cannot reach from the ground, such as in the air. Bring a Jetpack or a rocket-jumping weapon with you if needed.
  • Use the Reflector to make users less interested in killing you.
  • Avoid being horizontal with them as much as possible as it is instantaneous and difficult to dodge.
  • Due to the fact that dodging this Dragon is very difficult, it's best to have a good amount of armor as it can do huge damage. However, it isn't enough to one-shot max armored players.
  • Despite this gadget having a large projectile appearance, its hitbox is not as large as it seems.
  • Use the Disabler to prevent users from activating this gadget for eight seconds. Use this opportunity to either get away or kill them.
  • Use the Denied! gadget with you in case you're one-shot by the Dragon, using your revival to either escape or attempt to kill the user whom had used the Whistle.
  • The Pyro 1116 can be useful when you are getting hit as it prevents you from being set on fire.



Cooldown Time
Initial Tier 40 Seconds 4 Seconds
Tier 1 39 Seconds 4 Seconds
Tier 2 38 Seconds 5 Seconds
Tier 3 37 Seconds 5 Seconds
Tier 4 36 Seconds 6 Seconds
Tier 5 35 Seconds 6 Seconds
Tier 6 34 Seconds 7 Seconds
Tier 7 33 Seconds 8 Seconds
Tier 8 32 Seconds 9 Seconds
Final Tier 31 Seconds 10 Seconds


  • The summoned dragon has a very similar model to the Dragon from Campaign and Minecraft.
  • It is similar to Hanzo's ultimate from Overwatch.
  • Despite being labeled as a Throwing gadget, you're not technically throwing anything. Instead, you are simply summoning a dragon to attack.
  • For some players who uses low-quality devices, using the Dragon whistle can crash or temporarily glitch the game.
  • It got introduced to Battle Royale at an unknown update.
    • It was a very powerful gadget in the start-game due to players not always having full armor.

