Smile Mine

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The Smile Mine is a Throwing gadget introduced in the 11.1.0 update.


The "Smile Mine" appears to be a simple mine with a green baseplate, a comical yellow smiley face in the center, and several wires exposed on the surface of the device. 


The player throws the mine from their right hand, creating a loud, distinctive laugh in the process. The mine will proceed to steeply arc through the air until it lands on a solid wall or floor, where it will stay placed. The mine cannot be destroyed by ordinary means, as no bullet, explosive, or gadget damage can destroy or detonate a Smile Mine. The mine can only be destroyed if it is activated by an enemy player, when the user places another, or the match ends. After use, the user must wait a cooldown lasting around 50 seconds before he/she can use it again.

The mine is small and has no hitbox, and can activate even if an enemy does not touch it directly. In fact, it has a detonation radius of 2.5 players wide. The mine has very high damage, making it superb in a sneaky trap around corners, door frames, or high-traffic areas.



  • Put it near your spawn so enemies will avoid spawn-killing you and your teammates.
  • When not upgraded, its explosion deals about the same damage as being shot by the Battle Mech once.
  • Deploy the Smile Mine in corridors in Battle Royale for easy kills.
  • Deploy the mine somewhere where it is difficult to see, such as around corners.
  • You can use the explosion of the mine to Rocket Jump, although it is not ideal unless you don't mind losing a good chunk of your armor/health.
  • In Flag Capture mode, try to deploy this right onto your team's flag. Anyone who tries to grab the flag will get either killed or seriously injured by the hidden mine, leaving them vulnerable. Putting it on the open door to the flag works too.
  • Use this to prevent access to portals.
  • Place this under flat bridges as the mine will still activate if an enemy walks above it. It will deal full damage, even through the bridge.
  • Deploy the mine near points in the Point Capture mode for easy kills if you opponents aren't paying attention.
  • There is no way to escape the damage of the mine. If you run straight through it at max mobility or try to escape through a portal, the mine will still deal devastating damage to you.
  • Try finding a place where it blends in or is hidden such as in grass, or the sandy beach of D-Day where the dunes will hide it from enemies.


  • When thrown, it lies flat on any surface, making it hard to see if you are not paying attention, so be careful about where the mine is.
  • Being a proximity mine, it will explode when an enemy gets too close to it. If a teammate deploys the mine and you are caught in the explosion, no friendly fire damage will be dealt.
  • This can badly damage even a well-armored player, so avoid at all costs.
  • When deployed, it emits a distinct giggling noise that may reveal the location of a player.
  • Use the Reflector gadget if you know you'll be walking into the mine. You will still take damage, but the user who placed the mine will take damage too.
  • Pets can also detonate the explosive, so try to use a non-flying pet to remove it without damaging yourself.



Cooldown Time
Initial tier 55 seconds 17 seconds
Tier 1 54 seconds 18 seconds
Tier 2 53 seconds 20 seconds
Tier 3 52 seconds 21 seconds
Tier 4 51 seconds 23 seconds
Tier 5 50 seconds 24 seconds
Tier 6 49 seconds 26 seconds
Tier 7 48 seconds 28 seconds
Tier 8 47 seconds 29 seconds
Tier 9 46 seconds 31 seconds
Tier 10 45 seconds 33 seconds
Final tier 44 seconds 35 seconds


  • This is one of the three Throwing Gadgets with the "Contact Detonator" attribute. The other two are the Fake Bonus and the Firework.
  • The weapon shares both a similar appearance and a similar function to the Concussion Mine, an ability and weapon of Jamison Fawkes (Junkrat) from Blizzard Entertainment's Overwatch.
    • Both are highly powerful and explosive mines, with a grinning face as well as crossed-out eyes, that can be thrown and stuck to nearly any surface.
    • The explosions of both mines can also be used as a means of blast jumping similar to Rocket Jumping.
    • However, the two also share one difference: the detonation method. Junkrat's Concussion Mine can be manually detonated via the click of a button, whereas the Smile Mine can only be detonated when an enemy gets close enough to trigger it.
    • The Smile Mine is called the most overpowered gadget in Battle Royale by the community.

