Robot Samurai

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The Robot Samurai is a Tools Gadget of the Legendary grade introduced in the 13.5.0 update.


The Gadget takes the appearance of a bright green mech with light blue linings, gold details and a silver katana with a gold hilt and grey handle..

When activated, it transforms the player into an armed robotic samurai in neon green, blue, and grey armor, with gold accents. Its weapon of choice is a supersized and slightly reskinned version of the Katana.


When activated, the user transforms into a robotic samurai. In this form, the user gains extra health, the ability to deal with high amounts of damage and to Double Jump DoubleJump.png similar to the Battle Mech. When the player attacks, the sword emits a neon green wave of damage in the area directly in the front of the player.



  • You may save this gadget for when you are at low health. In certain situations, this could work similarly to the Resurrection gadget.
  • Activate this gadget when you are in a tricky situation where your enemies are at close ranges. Equip this for you to gain extra armor and hit your opponents at close ranges.
  • The Samurai is extremely useful in most Flag Capture maps, as it provides great mobility, and easier access to the enemies' flag.
  • Damage dealt from the Last Samurai is more significant if it's target is to the left or right rather than the middle.
  • Use the Double Jump DoubleJump.png to reach higher players in a map for an upper advantage.


  • Simply run away using your fastest weapon and attack from a distance.
  • Although this has several advantages over the Battle Mech, it is a melee type gadget, therefore, using any ranged type weapon can counter this.
  • Attack the player from above, or from places the sword cannot reach.
  • When activated, this has a slight area of damage that can hit targets right front the user and slightly beside the robot.
  • Using high damage weapons that can easily tear down its large health pool.
  • Many Throwing gadgets, such as the Ninja Shurikens, can instantly destroy the Robot Samurai.
  • Aim for the head to maximize damage.



Cooldown Time
Initial Tier 50 Seconds 12 Seconds
Tier 1 49 Seconds 13 Seconds
Tier 2 48 Seconds 14 Seconds
Tier 3 47 Seconds 15Seconds
Tier 4 46 Seconds 16 Seconds
Tier 5 45 Seconds 17 Seconds
Tier 6 44 Seconds 18 Seconds
Tier 7 43 Seconds 19 Seconds
Tier 8 42 Seconds 20 Seconds
Tier 9 41 Seconds 22 Seconds
Final Tier 40 Seconds 24 Seconds



  • Initial Release


  • Its damage was buffed.


  • It is the first gadget to have the Double Jump attribute.
  • Its area damage is slightly different than the normal area damage physics. Instead, the area damage is more similar to the Storm Hammer physics, but the area damage is not a full 360° area damage, but rather around a 180 area damage.
  • It somewhat resembles the Silver Samurai introduced by Marvel Comics.
  • It is possible, in small spaces, parts of the player, such as the arms or head, will disappear partially into the wall or ceiling. However, this does not give the player an advantage.
  • Damage dealt from the Last Samurai is more significant if it's target is to the left or right rather than the middle.
  • In the 15.4.1 Update, its Health and Damage revived a buff. It now has the ability to 1-2 shot max armored players. This turned this gadget into a “no-skill” gadget.
    • This was reverted 2 days later.
