Firework (Gadget)

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The Firework was a Throwing gadget introduced in the 11.2.0 update. It was replaced by the Flash Grenade in the 22.6.2 update.


It is a red and white diagonally striped rectangular firework with a brown fuse on the bottom. The firework is attached to a stick on its side. When in use, Fire particles will start coming out of the fuse.


The player throws the Firework from their right hand. When it lands, it stays there being idle. However, when an opponent steps on top of or touches the Firework, the Firework will launch the enemy into the air, creating a firework explosion and inflicting moderate damage.

After use, the player must a wait a short cooldown before he/she can deploy it again.



  • Plant the firework in a place where many players will go, especially in Deathmatch, so to have a higher chance of an enemy stepping in it.
    • A good spot will be an enemy spawn.
  • Do not deploy this in the place where opponents spawn, as their spawn protection will be in effect.
  • Use this gadget when an enemy is nearby to maximize your chances of someone stepping on it.
  • This weapon is insanely powerful at low levels, due to how it can make enemies fly up, and can instantly kill players with low leveled armor. Don't use it for higher leveled players.
  • Deploy this gadget in a strategic spot, where it may be camouflaged, or hidden out of view of other players. An example would be to plant this gadget near sharp corners where an enemy could walk into it, dealing damage.
  • Throw it to an enemy if they are holding a spam weapon like Ghost Lantern so they fly off.
  • Despite being a contact detonator it is best to hit the enemy directly with this as it does not stay very long
  • It explodes when it hits pets and allies, so try to use this where allies aren't present.
  • Pair this gadget with Sticky Mine weapons, such as the Deep Ambusher, Watchy-Snipy, and Ectoplasmic Grenade Launcher. When used strategically, this could cause mass destruction.


  • Make sure to stay away and avoid it when you see one.
  • Prevent enemies from using it by activating the Disabler, or using a weapon with the Gadget Blocking attribute.
  • Look out for fireworks, as they are quite small and easily disguised.
  • If you do step in this gadget, use the upwards boost to your advantage, and attack players from the air with a fast-firing Primary or other weapon.



Cooldown Time
Initial Tier 35 Seconds 4 Seconds
Tier 1 34 Seconds 4 Seconds
Tier 2 33 Seconds 6 Seconds
Tier 3 32 Seconds 6 Seconds
Tier 4 8 Seconds 16 Seconds
Tier 5 30 Seconds 8 Seconds
Tier 6 29 Seconds 9 Seconds
Tier 7 28 Seconds 9 Seconds
Tier 8 27 Seconds 9 Seconds
Tier 9 26 Seconds 10 Seconds
Tier 10 24 Seconds 10 Seconds
Tier 11 22 Seconds 11 Seconds
Final Tier 20 Seconds 12 Seconds



  • This gadget is added to the game


  • It's Healing attribute was removed, as it does not heal. It's duration is also added to the stats.





  • This is one of the three Throwing Gadgets that has a "Contact Detonator" attribute, the other two being the Smile Mine and Fake Bonus.
  • Somehow, the Firework generally deals more damage than the fireworks from the Fireworks Launcher.
    • It also acts differently compared to the fireworks from the Fireworks Launcher.
  • It was replaced by the Flash Grenade in the 22.6.2 update.
  • The Firework is now being paired up with the Energy Shield to glitch out of maps.
