Green Slime

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Green Slime is an enemy found on Cemetery, Prison, Village, and Arena.


It appears to be a green cube with a smaller green cube with a face coming out the front. It only has one eye and has four black teeth. Its skin is a variety of many different shades of green. It has four cubes throughout its entire body.


They will move towards the player. Up close, it will extend its "face" to "bite" or "head-butt" the player, dealing damage.


  • Pick them off from afar.
  • Try jumping around them to prevent from getting hit.
  • Area Damage weapons can quickly finish these monsters.
  • Kill it with a Melee weapon if you can, and save your ammo for stronger monsters.


  • It is unknown how the slimes were created. Campaign mostly focuses on a zombie apocalypse. Perhaps something was infected by a chemical during the outbreak.
  • Ice Slime, Orange Slime, and Red Slime are recolors. Blood Slime Boss is a bigger version of a recolored version (Red Slime).
  • This is one of the weakest enemies in the game, the others being the SpiderRobot Drone, and other crawling mobs.
    Due to copyright issues with Mojang, the Pixel Gun Company was forced to change the model and appearance of it.

