Marksman Zombie

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The Marksman Zombie is an Enemy found in Medium difficulty of the Dead City Raids and Monster Siege wave 3 along with the Double Headed Foot Soldier.


It's a zombie with an Army uniform, wielding what appears to be a small version of the Brutal Headhunter. It also wears red thermal vision goggles.


  • Try to take cover behind a wall or car to avoid taking large damage from this enemy in raids. However, it also has a disadvantage, because other enemies will surprise you from either side of the car or wall.
  • Can deal damage from a far distance, has the ability to deal heavy damage.
  • They need to be quickly exterminated due to their long-range attacks, which can destroy the turrets pretty quick.
  • Try sneaking up on it while it is attacking other players.
  • Use a Monster Spawner in Monster Siege to stop them from attacking, like other ranged monsters.
  • When this monster is aiming at you, you will notice a red laser sight pointing at you.
