Double Headed Foot Soldier

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The Double Headed Foot Soldier is a two-headed enemy zombie in the Dead City Raid map. It is a combination of two zombie types stuck together, both enemy zombies elsewhere. It also appears from the second to third wave in the Monster Siege.


The enemy in-game
  • The two zombie soldiers both have different weapons on each of the side of the body.
  • One seems to have an grenade launcher and the other with a double-barreled shotgun, though different in appearance from the Double-barreled Shotgun used by players.


They run toward the player at an average pace, and once within range the demolishman part of the zombie will fire a grenade, dealing large damage. If you get too close the SWAT half of the zombie will fire it’s Double-barreled Shotgun and deal very high damage.


Difficulty Health Damage Speed

Appears In


  • Use a powerful heavy such as the Harsh Dragon to quickly eliminate them.
  • In Monster Siege, use a high-AoE heavy such as the Uranium Grenade Launcher to kill entire groups of this enemy, and other enemies around them.
  • Keep your distance to avoid their shotgun hit, as on higher difficulties it can shred through your health. Furthermore, stay at least 50 meters away from them and hit them with a sniper such as the Anti-Champion Rifle to kill them without risking getting hit.

