Skeleton Runner

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Skeleton Runner is an enemy in Campaign.


It is similar to a Skeleton. The differences are that it does not possess a pair of red eyes, the bones are grey instead of white, and it oddly looks more like a realistic skeleton.


It runs towards the player with decent maneuvering skills; while it may look like a peaceful creature, they can kill pretty fast in close ranges if a player lacked attention. When in range it strikes the player with one of it's arms dealing reasonable damage.


  • Move away from this enemy, and attack with a ranged weapon.
  • Rocket Jump away from this enemy.
  • Aim for the head to maximize damage.
  • Use self-healing weapons such as the Heroic Epee to regenerate.
A full appearance of the Skeleton Runner.


  • It closely resembles the Skeleton from Minecraft, but it does not carry a bow and arrow.

