Infected Truck Driver

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The Infected Truck Driver is the boss in the map Bridge of the Pixelated World. It was added in the 11.0.0 update in Pixel Gun 3D. Later it appears in the Dead City Raid as a normal enemy in the 16.2.0 update in Pixel Gun 3D. In addition, it appears starting from wave 1 in Monster Siege.


One seen from above, notice the exposed brain.

It has a dark green, muscular and asymmetrical build, as its right arm and left leg has gained more mass due to the infection, as well as it's right eye being more larger than its left eye. It also has a small, pear-shaped head with most of it's hair lost and part of its brain is exposed. It has a large underbite that has white uneven teeth jutting out of it.

It wears a white tattered shirt with a yellow collar or necklace, ripped pair of jeans with a black belt and silver buckle, and one shoe on its right foot and its left one has grown significantly. It also appears to be wearing a large, black open glove.


It will slowly walk towards the player, then proceeds to lob explosive tires as an attack, doing a (relatively) high 6 damage. Each tire it throws also has a moderate amount of area damage. It is also capable of climbing the "cables" at the sides of the Bridge up to a certain point (which is shown at the very bottom photo).

After you have defeated the monster it will lie down and disappear. Upon its death it will drop the Army Rifle, a Primary weapon which you will pick up to end the level and continue to the next level.


  • The boss replaces the Armored Stalker as the boss for the Campaign level, Bridge.
  • It is one of only two Bosses capable of climbing almost all the terrain in its area, the other being the Pharoh Golem. The Zombie Flying Pig Boss that does not actually climb over said terrain, but rather flies over it.
  • The boss is based on the stereotypical truck driver.
  • This boss resembles the Charger from Left 4 Dead.
  • It is half a boss, as it is a boss in Campaign, but a normal monster in Raid.
  • It will throw items even though there may not be any on the ground.
  • It will not be able to attack if you have ally monsters attacking this monster in Monster Siege.
Another picture of the Infected Truck Driver.


  • Aim for the head with any gun you feel comfortable with - The boss moves relatively slowly and predictably, and headshots are ridiculously easy to get.
  • You could try to Rocket Jump (PG3D) or climb on top of the shipping containers and cars, and then chip the boss' health away from afar.
  • In lower levels, try dodging and moving since this boss can throw projectiles at you that deal area damage.
  • STAY BACK - The boss' only damage output has an awful range, and just staying away can easily win you the battle.
  • Put monster spawners in Monster Siege as then they can't attack and the ally monsters kill them for you.
  • Use a travel time weapon to block the projectiles.
  • Jump on top of it's head, that way it cannot hit you.

