Parallel Zombie

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The Parallel Zombie is an enemy in Campaign.


This monster will slowly trudge itself towards you, and then it will swing its arms at you, inflicting damage. It can become stuck on objects, so use that flaw to delay them and break up large crowds.


A full appearance of the Parallel Zombie.

It has a parallel-looking skin with a red, grey and black odd looking face and grey skin with red dashes marked around its entire body. The old model was completely black, except for its massive eyeball and its hands, which were magenta.


  • Attack from afar with a Primary or Sniper.
  • For beginners, move far away from this monster.
  • If you have to use a Melee, attack and move back so you can evade it's hits.
The old model of this enemy. It was called "End Zombie". Based off of the Enderman from Minecraft


  • This enemy, with all of the other Ender mobs, were re-skinned with new textures due to copyright issues with Mojang.
  • This enemy also appears in Sky Islands. However, it appears as the Parallel Runner instead.
