Tortured Prisoner

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The Tortured Prisoner is the boss for the Prison map in the Pixelated World Campaign in the 11.0.0 update.


One viewed from above, notice the electric chair's head component.
The Boss as of a 11.3.0 patch, notice the electricity on the wires.

It is an executed death row prisoner it has a electric chair's head component on his burnt head, the electric chair part was torn from the chair and the wires dangle. Indicating the body's reanimation by the disease. It wears a neglected orange ripped prisoner jumpsuit, red eyes in an entirely charred head and face, black shoes, green skin, and a muscular build. It also has two grey bands, possibly cuffs from the electric chair, one on each arm.

In the 11.3.0 patch, it gained electric arks discharging from its wires, dealing contact damage before it can even attack. These particles will also deal damage for a short time after the boss is defeated.


If the monster senses a player nearby, It charges into the player and pummels them with its right arm.

When in contact with the boss, it will deal contact damage because of the electricity discharging from the electric chair's component on its head.



  • It resembles the Charger from the Left 4 Dead series, except in PG3D that it charges into the player other than straightforward.
  • It is similar in design to the Tortured Cop.
  • Its melee attack mechanic is exactly the same as that of the Pharaoh Golem.
  • It replaced the Crook Zombie in its respective map as of the 11.0.0 update.
  • After the removal of the Demon Boss, Dark Eyed Alien, and Crook Zombie, this and the Evil Chicken Man are the fastest Bosses in the game.
  • The Tortured Prisoner could've been executed with the electric chair found in one of the rooms in Prison.
    • However, it is unknown how he got zombified.
    • Also, it is unknown how the electric chair found in the Prison is not broken since you can clearly see components of the electric chair on him, which means he must have broken the chair.


  • You can fight him and score easy damage by using weapons with wall break and shooting him through the fence.
    • This also works with any kind of Flamethrower (or Electro Thrower) type weapons, since the flames can hit entities through a wall.
  • Simple use a good primary or even a melee weapon to fight him. The only circumstance where he is actually dangerous is if you are still at low levels or have no armor.
  • You can also use the invisibility gadget and take advantage of its AI not moving when the player is invisible.
  • Have a good mobility melee weapon to flee when it gets too close to you
  • Don't try to grab the Heavy Machine Gun after the boss dies. Wait until the body is gone as trying to grab the weapon will result in the dead boss hurting you, due to the electricity from the exposed wires. 
  • Rocket jumping helps because the boss doesn't use projectiles. 
  • Use weapons like the AI Pistol or Poison Darts to make quick work of him.


  • If you go invisible by using the Stealth Bracelet or Sword Of Shadows, the model of the boss immediately freezes and walks in place until the effect wears off. This can also happen by jumping onto a high place or glitching out of the map.

