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Rider, unofficially dubbed The Zombie Jockey, is a boss added in the 10.1.0 update. It replaced Pyramid Head as the boss in the School Campaign level.

Facing the Rider


It is a zombie donning the Iron Armor Up1 and the Iron Helmet Up2, riding an enlarged spider, while wielding a weapon resembling the Hunger Bow. Four Injured Spitters also spawn to assist it in the fight.


The spider will crawl to the player whilst the Zombie will shoot the player with its Hunger Bow from a long distance. This boss can shoot the arrows fairly quickly and accurately. When it appears to the player, four Injured Spitters also appear to assist it in the fight. When killed, it will recoil back violently and fall the ground, disappearing in a couple seconds.


  • You may engage from afar to increase the chances of dodging its bullets.
  • This boss is unique because it uses a weapon very similar to the Hunger Bow, allowing it to have an almost instant travel time.
  • Keep hiding, since you will be easily hit if you engage that boss face-to-face.
  • Try to avoid close range combat as your health will be depleted quickly due to the fast attack rate.
  • A heavy weapon would be useful in this case, especially ones with large Area Damage, as it helps killing the minions while also damaging the boss.
  • As always, if you use non-area damage weapons, you should aim for its head since being hit on the head entails to more damage.
  • Use a weapon with the Gravitational Force attribute, such as the Eraser, to draw this boss to one spot, then bombard it with Heavy weapons while strafing.
  • Hiding behind solid objects while sniping can prove to be useful.
  • Use a travel time weapon to block the projectiles with great difficulty due the projectiles of this boss being so small.
  • Using a shotgun such as the Boar's Roar or Devastator will be quite effective due to their quick shooting, high accuracy shots.


  • Despite its name not being mentioned in the campaign, a pop-up that says "Rider defeated! "Pixelated world" chapter is completed!" will show up, confirming its name. This was introduced in the 11.3.0 update.
  • It somewhat resembles the spider jockey from Minecraft. The exception is that the Skeleton is replaced with a Zombie.
  • It is one of only four Bosses that can summon monsters, the others being Dark Eyed Alien (removed), Demon Boss (removed), and The Devil.
  • The spider that the Rider is riding is similar to the boss on the Swamp level. The only change is that the spider is larger in Swamp.
  • This replaced the Pyramid Head as the boss of the School in the 10.1.0 update.
  • Despite the Helmet piece being removed in 10.3.1, or the Heroic update, its model still retains the former piece.
    • Also, the Helmet does not give the Rider extra health.

