Free Currency

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This article describes a content in Pixel Gun 3D, which is not a tutorial. You can find a bunch of tutorials here.

The Free Currency chest with the timer.

The Free Currency chest, also known as "Free Currency", is one of the cases that are found in the lobby. It was introduced in the 9.3.0 update as the "Free Coins chest", where it only offered coins, then it was modified into the "Free Gems chest" in the 10.5.0 update, where it only offered gems, then it was modified into the "Free Currency chest" in the 12.5.3 update, where it now offers both currencies.


It appears as a brown chest with light gray borders and crystal/gem corners on each side. There is a chest lock on the front. Inside the chest, there are coins and gems, appearing in various forms.


Original version

It is used to offer a few coins or gems. It is required for the player to watch an advertisement-based video for about 30 seconds (it depends on the length of the video) before receiving currency from the chest.

Its reward goes this order with a cooldown:

  • 10Coin.png, then 2 minute cooldown.
  • 15 Coin.png, then 2 minute cooldown.
  • 20 Coin.png, then 2 minute cooldown.
  • 10 Gem.png, then 2 minute cooldown.
  • 20 Gem.png, then 24 hour cooldown.

It is recommended to watch the full batch of advertisements everyday (a full batch of advertisements is 5 advertisements). One set takes only about 10 minutes, and the player can get 30 gems and 45 coins per batch. Assuming the player can consistently keep up with this schedule for at least an entire week, the currency is multiplied by 7, making the player earn 210 gems and 315 coins just from watching the advertisements.

The player can even extend this method of earning currency by watching advertisements twice a day. Given that there is a 12 hour cooldown, it is possible to watch up to two batches of advertisements per day, in other words, earn up to 60 gems and 90 coins per day. The player can achieve this by watching one batch of advertisements in the morning (for example, 7:30 AM), and assuming the entire process takes around 10 minutes, the player can watch the second batch at 7:40PM, after waiting for the 12 hour cooldown. If the player can keep up with this schedule consistently for a week, they can earn 420 gems and 630 coins.

The cooldown of free currency was nerfed to 24 hours but in a later version got reverted back to 12 hours.

Pixel Pass version

There is a Pixel Pass version of the free currency. The rewards are:

  • 5 Pixel Tickets, then 2 minute cooldown.
  • 50 Battle Crowns, then 2 minute cooldown.
  • 5 Pixel Tickets, then 2 minute cooldown.
  • 75 Battle Crowns, then 2 minute cooldown.
  • 10 Pixel Tickets, then 24 hours cooldown.

This was useful because new players cannot get Pixel Tickets easily.


  • As of the 12.5.3 update, it no longer disappears, as it infinitely offers a couple coins and gems.
  • In the 16.7.0 update, a similar featured was introduced, which is a double reward for every time an advertisement is watched after finishing a match.
  • There is a glitch in which you can continuously tap the "Get coins!" or "Get gems!" button and get infinite coins/gems, however if you exit the game and re-enter it all the additional currency will be gone.
  • As of the 21.2 update, the gems were buffed to 20 to 30.
  • Starting in 22.5.1 update, the free currency duration was nerfed from 12 hours to 24 hours.
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