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The Deathbringer is a Backup weapon introduced in the 23.6.0 update. It can be obtained from the AI Reign Season Pixel Pass.


The Deathbringer has a really good firerate and is an above-average (?) DPS. Its attributes are laser, electric shock, and blindness. (Though the blindness has a really short period.)


The Deathbringer has a white-silver toned base and has an indigo magazine light violet tubes running on both sides of the gun. The tip of the pistol holds a sapphire-like crystal and four silver balls of various sized float along the spine of the gun.

It's just like TheGreatestAI set weapons and the other AI Reign Season Pixel Pass weapons, where they all have a reflective/3d effect when you turn the camera. It also has shiny metallic rocks that float around it. The bullets shot out are (really) bright purple lasers and when you reload the rocks go around the weapon and back to where they were.


You'd have to be really precise at aiming, because it's a laser and it has a fast firerate so if you keep missing you'll empty your magazine quickly. Although, the electric shock and blindness attributes are a good support so you could switch to another weapon and let it be the finisher.



  • You should make your sensitivity a little lower because this weapon is very unstable when aiming.
  • Sneak up to enemies with this weapon, this will quickly kill them as they are unable to react thanks to electric shock.
  • While this weapon is quite powerful on its own, you can use it as a utility to blind enemies and make them have hard time aiming.


  • Since the weapon lacks a scope, use weapons that have excellent mobility and try escaping people so it will be much harder for them to aim at you.
  • Be prepared to angle your crosshair to enemy general direction then strafe for effective counter attack.
  • Do not let these users see you, use powerful low skill weapon to take them out quickly. If its too late, follow the tips above.
  • If you can take a risk, turn around and look for the user. This will ensure they do not hit you from the back and quickly kill you as a result.

Recommended Maps

  • War of toys
  • Pool party
  • North Pole
  • Chinatown
  • Ghost town

Equipment Setups

  • Put the Lucky bullet module in this weapon to take advantage of its large magazine size and fast firerate.
  • Pair it with more powerful weapons like Ultimatum or Leader's Best Friend and use it as a secondary weapon to weaken enemy senses for easy kills then use your main weapon as the finishing blow.



  • Initial release.

