Health Bar (PGW)

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This content is available in both Pixel Gun 3D and Pixel Gun World! If this is Pixel Gun 3D or Pixel Gun World content, its counterpart is described in another article!
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This article describes a Pixel Gun World content. If you are looking for the same content in Pixel Gun 3D, see Health Bar.


Health Bar is the health system in Pixel Gun World. They are an important aspect of the game, and you can use the Health Pick-Up to regenerate a part of the health bar.

Taking Damage

The player can take damage from things such as map elements, mobs, and of course other players' weapons. An opponent player that scores a Headshot will deal double damage.

Expanding Health and Armor Bars

The player can increase their maximum health and armor Bars with armor sets that get stronger as it gets upgraded, the most protective being the fully upgraded Dragon Armor or the fully upgraded Wonder Vest. The default armor isn't bad either. You start with 10 armor points because you automatically have the Newbie Armor equipped.

Maximum Health Armor Dragon Armor Wonder Vest Equal (Armor) Equal (DA) Equal (WV)
228 10 N/A N/A 238 228 228
228 25 34 34 253 262 262
228 40 46 46 268 274 274
228 55 52 52 283 280 280
228 66 86 86 296 314 314
228 94 116 116 322 344 344
228 132 152 152 360 380 380


Some Hats have 3, 6, or 10 armor points. Here's a table of the maximum health with hats and the armor.


Defense Maximum Health Total (with Armor) Total (with DA) Total (with WV)
Shogun Helmet 3 228 363 383 383
Cubacca's Mask 6 229 366 386 386
Dragon Mask 10 228 370 390 390
Kung Fu Hat 10 228 370 390 390
Panda Head 10 228 370 390 390
Grey Hare 10 228 370 390 390
White Rabbit 10 228 370 390 390

P.S. DA= Dragon Armor and WV= Wonder Vest.


  • If you lose all of your health, you die, regardless of armor.
  • In PG3D, health functions different in the PGW health system. As it uses separate hearts instead of a health bar.
    • However, in PGW, before the 2.0.0 update, the health system looked the same as the one in PG3D.
Pixel Gun 3D

Pixel Gun World