Bubble Slasher

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The Bubble Slasher is a Special weapon introduced in the 18.1.0 update. It can be obtained from the Extended Summer Season Battle Pass with 250 Mythical Gearicon.png.


It is a handheld cannon disguised as a toy dolphin that shoots blue bubbles with LoopingShot.png and SlowsDownTarget.png attributes. It deals average damage, with low capacity and mobility.


When not in its weapon form, it resembles a blue dolphin toy with white eyes and black pupils. In its weapon form, it is a handheld cannon featured a black body, a light blue pistol grip with a red button, a black barrel with a red laser sight, and a bottle of bubble liquid acting as the ammo source. In addition, the eyes will turn red.


When the fire button is pressed, bubbles will come out of the weapons as projectiles with looping shot (shooting in an arc), area damage, and has the capability to slow down enemies. It is 2-4 shots depending on the opponent's armor.

When reloading, the user will eject the used bottle and insert a new one.

It has Fixed Delay. This means that once the player switches from any weapon to this weapon, the Bubble Slasher will always have a pull-up delay lasting around half of a second.



  • Use this weapon against multiple enemies as one can hit multiple enemies at once.
  • Attack enemies when they are in small and crowded areas.
  • Shooting at an arc is recommended when engaging enemies at farther distances, due to the looping shots of this weapon.
  • The projectile will deal the full effect towards an enemy if they are hit directly with by the projectile while the projectile is in motion.
  • This weapon can be used to guard tight areas such as chokepoints or doorways to prevent enemies from reaching an objective or trap them.
    • In addition, it is effective in tight hallways such as the ones in Pool Party or Silent School due to its area damage.
  • Use this to slow down escaping enemies.
  • Do not shoot close to the walls, as this gun has self damage.


  • Pick off the user at long range.
  • Avoid the line of fire, as the weapon has a slightly large hit box.
  • Attack the user while they're reloading.
  • Strafe around the user while firing to avoid getting hit.
  • Try to wait until the user is out of ammo, then attack while they are vulnerable.
  • Flank around the user with a shotgun or melee weapon and attack them from behind.
  • The weapon performs poor at long range, use this as an advantage to engage at them from a distances.
  • Use the Jetpack to aid in strafing the projectiles of this weapon so it makes it harder for your opponent to hit you.

Recommended Maps

Equipment Setups

  • Bring a melee with 85 mobility or above due to this weapon's low mobility.



  • Initial release.


  • Damage increased by 47%.
  • Rocket speed increased by 80%.


  • Damage increased by 14%.


  • Damage increased by 17%
  • Mobility increased from 55 to 65.

