Delay Mechanics

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Delay Mechanics are the game mechanics that were introduced to balance out the weapon performance and to cripple or partially eliminate the Three Category Spam tactic.


Delay mechanics in weapons can be identified by both the cooldown of the previous shot weapon's fire rate while switching to the next weapon and the next weapon's slower animation before using it.


Delay mechanics primarily exist in weapons that are associated with Three Category Spamming, such as the Thunderer, Reflector and the Sniper Exoskeleton. All these weapons emit lethal shots that supposedly take out the opponents in one shot and with the Three Category Spamming tactic, the player would shoot from all three weapons in a second or two. To balance that out, the developers introduced these mechanics so that the player would have to wait around a second or two after firing from one of the weapons to the other.

Appliance to Weapons

Delay mechanics can apply to weapons in all categories, including Melee. These mechanics almost never apply to Melee weapons with area damage, automatic or semi-automatic weapons that exist in the Primary, Backup and Special categories, since these weapons can't take out the player in one shot, unlike powerful shotguns, one-shot Backup weapons, one-shot Special weapons, powerful Sniper weapons and powerful Heavy weapons, which all can have delay mechanics of some sort. However, Sniper weapons don't get any fixed delays at the moment.


  • Delay mechanics can be prevented and bypassed. First, use a weapon that doesn't have a delay, like the Destruction System, for example. Spamming with that weapon and the Ultimatum can work out since there are no to delay mechanics between both weapons, unless if they were shot and switched too fast.
    • It is also recommended to switch between a powerful weapon with delay mechanics and a melee weapon initiating a Melee Switch.
  • If you want to use weapons with delay mechanics, use the weapons with the highest fire rate because they would supposedly have the shortest delays.
  • DO NOT switch to a weapon with fixed delay like the Torpedo Launcher or Candy Axe in front of enemies (unless you have the Last Word module combination if using Heavy weapons), this will give the opposing team time to kill you. Make sure to take cover for a little bit or strafe around before getting back to the battle.
    • Do note some delays aren't that long like the Champion Solar Cannon and could still be used when under fire from enemies.
  • Some weapons that have a very short fixed delay, such as Dislike, can be used to 3-Cat spam. Also note that some weapons, for example Poison Darts, despite not having any delay mechanics, it has a small delay before shooting.

Delay Types

Delay mechanics can differ from weapon to weapon. In reality, most weapons don't have delay mechanics because these weapons are more of the unused weapons in matches. Some weapons even have both Delay Input and Delay Output.

Fixed Delay

Fixed Delay is a term used to refer to a weapon that always has a delay when switching to it even melee. The player always has to wait for a second before being able to use the weapon. Weapons with Fixed Delay include:

Primary Backup Melee Special Sniper Heavy
Agent Valentine

Aloha! Boom Boom!

Arcade Rifle

Block Shotgun

Boar's Roar

Bro Steamer

Blot Shotgun



Deadly Tail

Disc Battle Station

Exquisite Bagpipes

Golden Bros

Gun Force PGX

Hard Corn

Holy Shotgun

Ice Chaser


Last Squeak

Neutron Pulsator

Nuclear Rifle

Oh Deer

Orange Killer

Pew Pew Rifle

Plastic Rifle

Portalius Wrath

Project 'Dolphin'

Pyro 1116

Semi-Auto Shotgun

Shell Bubbler


Wrath of Fire

Zap Blaster

AI Pistol

Amazon's Sharp Ring

Anvil Pistol


Battle Grainthrowers

Corpuscular Revolver

Dead Star

Deadly Stings

Dual Hunter Crossbows

Duck Hunter

Echo Scanner

Explosive Lemonade

Fierce Pack


Gangsta Shield

Gifted Revolvers

Hot Greetings

Hypersound Uzi

Knife and Compass

Laser Revolver

New Year Defender

Pawn's Gun

Pew Blaster

Project 'Rapid Flock'


Pulling Sucker Gun

Royal Revolver

Sneaky Pistol

Snow Blaster

Spruce Pistol

Tide Bracers

Tiny Resizer

Water Blades

Aspen Spear

Cthulhu Legacy

Ban Hammer

Blot Axe

Double Cashback

Healing Staff

Last Cry

One-Punch Gauntlet

Pixel Stream Sword

Primal Cold

Raccoon With a Pipe

Super Drill

Sword of Shadows

Sword of Silence

Triple Bite

Werewolf Paws

Alien Bouncer


Arcade Flamethrower


Battle Horn

Cloud Launcher

Combat Darts

Cooking Totem


Deep Ambusher

Dragon Energy Emitter

Earth Tremor

Engineering Saw Thrower


Gorgon Head


Ice Lightning

Luxury Beats



Plague Purifier

Poisonous Grasshopper

Sharp Fans

Snow Queen Wand

Sword Soul Card

Throwing Spears


Total Annihilator

Toxic Bane

Transformed Blaster

Tube Backpack

Vertical Grip Device

Wave Pulser

Witch's Sheep Cauldron

Supershot Rifle

Clockwork Guardian

Card Sharper

Accurate Investigator

Gears of Death


Aboard Puncher

Anti-Aircraft Module


Big B's Oven

Boom Blaster


Champion Solar Cannon

Coal Frightener

Double Gum

Emitter of Uncertainty

Fatal Melter

Ferocious Poleaxe

Fireball Gauntlet

Gauntlet of Power

Gem Power

Hyper Mega Cannon

Invincible Lion

Killer Whale

Lance Soul Card

Meteorite Destroyer

Maximum Cruelty

Offensive Catapult

Offensive Fireworks

Pixel-Cola Refresher

Plastic Bazooka

Portal Cannon


Render Station


Siege Mode Gauntlet

Sock Bomber

Soda + Pop

Spark Shark

Stinger 3000

Submarine Drone Station

Temple Guardian

Torpedo Launcher

Input Delay (Only)

Delay Input is a term used to refer to a weapon that has a delay which depends on its own fire rate. Input Delay weapons give delay to Output Delay weapons. Weapons with Delay Input include:

Armor-Piercing Sniper RifleBone Sniper Rifle

Bow of Spirits

Brutal Headhunter


Cupid's Bow

Cyber Rifle

Dater Hater

Electro Blast Rifle (Formerly)

Elephant Hunter

Elf's Revenge (Formerly)


Fatality Hook

Frozen Lich Bow


Harsh Punisher

Heavy Sniper Rifle (Formerly)

Hunger Bow (Formerly)

Inventor's Rifle

Last Hope (Formerly)

Laser Cat Rifle

Little Cthulhu

Magic Bow (Formerly)

Mr. Squido

Photon Sniper Rifle (Formerly)

Piercing Gaze of RA

Portalium Rifle

Professional Bow

Revolver Sniper Rifle

Shadow Spell

Shaman's Bow (Formerly)

Skull Crossbow

Snap Attacker

Sniper Rifle (Formerly)

Space Rifle

Sparkling Hydra (Formerly)


Supercharged Rifle (Formerly)

Thunder Spell (Formerly Reworked)

Thunder Storm

Vampire Hunter

Output Delay (Only)

Output Delay is a term used to refer to a weapon that has a delay that depends on a previously fired weapon's fire rate. Output Delay weapons receive delay from Input Delay weapons. Weapons with Output Delay include:

Primary Backup Sniper
Christmas Spirit



Big BANG! Revolver

Laser Cycler


Winged Revolver

Ambush Crocorifle

Liquidator Z1

Sniper Dude


Input and Output Delay

This list included all of the weapons from above that have both Input and Output delay. Weapons in this list include:

Primary Back Up Special Sniper

Deadly Icicle

Prehistoric Shotgun



Alien Blaster

Cracker Gun


Sawed-Off Shotguns


Triple Musket

Laser Bouncer


Alien Sniper Rifle

Anti-Champion Rifle

Anti-Hero Rifle


Black Hole

Block Rifle

Bow Soul Card

Call of Sirens

Carrot Crossbow

Cold Silence


Deadman's Rifle

Demon Catcher

Digital Drawing Pad

Digital Sunrise

Dragon Bite

Electro Blast Rifle (Currently)

Elf's Revenge (Currently)

Frost Shot

Frosty Railgun

Future Sniper Rifle

Garbage Rifle

Gauss Cannon

Heavy Sniper Rifle (Currently)

Hunger Bow (Currently)


Laser Bow

Last Hope (Currently)

Masterpiece Musket


One Shot


Particle Accelerator

Photon Sniper Rifle (Currently)

Project 'Marlin'


Prototype S

Proud Eagle


Revolver Sniper Rifle

River Dragon

Royal Marriage Officiant

Scouter's Rifle

Shaman's Bow (Currently)

Sniper Exoskeleton

Sniper Rifle (Currently)

Sparkling Hydra (Currently)

Spider Sense

Spiritual Rifle

Supercharged Rifle (Currently)

Supershot Rifle (Outdated)

Third Eye

Thunder Spell (Currently Reworked)

Ultra Beam

Underwater Carbine

Winner's Laser Beam

Witch Doctor
