Intergalactic Treasurer

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The initial damage nerf that was sent out prior to the Treasures of the Universe event would prove insufficient in stopping the Intergalactic Treasurer from becoming an intergalactic terror. Some weeks after release, seeing at least one Intergalactic Treasurer user per Deathmatch lobby was almost a given, as anyone with the patience, free time, and dedication to grind out the event could get their hands on it. To some, this was karma, as the Cash Gun's questionably-powerful ability to award bonus points for every kill was now on a weapon that anyone could earn for free, and those who had come to rely on the former were no-longer leagues above the competition. By the time the event had run its course, close-quarters maps such as Pool Party and Silent School were almost completely overrun by players spamming this weapon for every doubloon it was worth - literally (given that its ammo is, in fact, treasure).

Come Version 24.6.0, however, the Intergalactic Treasurer would finally be cut down to size, with considerable nerfs that made it much less of a nuisance and complaining point for most players. While it is still likely viewed as incredibly strong, it now requires at least some semblance of mechanical skill to use to its fullest potential.



  • Initial release.
  • Damage reduced by 30%


  • Damage secretly reduced by 32%


  • Damage per second reduced by 12%
  • Ammo count reduced from 25 to 15
  • Rocket speed reduced by 29%
  • AoE radius reduced by 38%
  • Projectile range reduced by 40%


  • This weapon is eerily similar to the Cash Gun, with all its attributes, save for some key differences seen in its stats.
    • In a way, this weapon could be seen as an antithesis to the Cash Gun, as while the only feasible way to get the Cash Gun (for most players) was by spending real money on gems (or earning gems via TapJoy Offers), the Intergalactic Treasurer could be earned by playing matches and grinding out the event for free.
  • This weapon was nerfed before it even became available to earn in the Treasures of the Universe event. One shudders to imagine how much it would have broken the game if it had retained its original damage of 158...

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