Three Category Spam Loadout

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* There are many pages on this wiki concerning 3 category spam. However, this is the main page solely dedicated to appropriate loadouts for three category spammers. In brackets after each weapon, its pros and cons are listed down below.

NB: Not all weapons available for 3 category spam are listed. Some may have been missed.




  • Photon Shotgun (A powerful 3 - 4 shot shotgun, quite underrated because of its grade)
  • Ultimatum (a one-shot Mythical shotgun with delay input and output that you will see players spamming in Pool Party, arguably the most popular (And the best) shotgun for three cat spam because of its high damage output and long range, does not require reloading)
  • Viking (Another Mythical shotgun with high damage, a bit longer range than Ultimatum's but considerably lower damage than Ultimatum. It does not possess wall-break, however Bleeding makes up for that)
  • Acid Shotgun (a third Mythical shotgun. Although it has a wider spread than Viking and Ultimatum, it has a very strong Poison effect and no delay at all, very underrated shotgun and greatly recommended but less seen)
  • Undertaker (works well (mostly 1 shot on the head) and relatively easy to obtain as it's an Armory weapon)
  • Devastator (Basically Photon Shotgun, give or take)
  • Witchunter (the Undertaker but a bit less powerful, still a decent choice, but not really recommended because it's quite hard to obtain)
  • Christmas Spirit (Mythical shotgun with only 1 kind of delay, but very rare to see and hard to get. It deals decent damage and has a fast reload speed)
  • Gift Stitcher: (Epic graded shotgun with a large spread and no delay, very long range (the longest for a shotgun), one shot head shot, although the bleeding is weak, at Mythical, it is a lot stronger than the Viking)
  • Saturn(Epic grade almost the same as Witchunter)
  • Space Devastator (a good shotgun pretty underrated great damage)


  • Black Mamba (An automatic primary with 4x zoom and Poison with decent damage)
  • Casanova (This is basically the Black Mamba with no Poison, and much easier to obtain)
  • Secret Forces Rifle (Arguably the most popular Legendary automatic weapon with quite high accuracy, high damage and a scope. It was removed from the armory, though it sometimes pops up in the Trader’s Van).
  • Future Police Rifle (Basically the Secret Forces Rifle with more capacity, lower damage per shot, faster fire rate, and longer reload time)
  • Royal Fighter (Automatic primary with 4x zoom that has 99 fire rate and a high damage per second)
  • Vandals (high capacity and high mobility)
  • Liquid Fire (very good accuracy and extreme damage but the reload speed is pretty slow)
  • Storm (One of the best automatics, has a little AoE and one of the highest DPS in all automatics. Only downside is its low capacity)
  • Storm Trooper Exoskeleton (Basically Storm with Slowdown, no Area Damage, twice as much capacity, and perhaps a bit lower damage per shot)


  • Ritual Revolvers (A highly recommended weapon, does not have delay of any sort, plus has Burning. Though it is inaccurate at long ranges)
  • Exterminator (another spammed weapon in Pool Party, has Input and Output delay, but still recommended due to wall break and high damage)
  • Thunderer (Was buffed to deal a bit more damage than Exterminator. It has a larger laser, but it is somewhat less accurate)
  • Dual Anger (Basically Ritual Revolvers with a bit less damage per shot and less capacity)
  • Laser Cycler (2 headshot 3 bodyshot weapon with ricochet, slows the target and only one kind of delay. Its capacity is also quite high, along with a speedy reload time)
  • Red Twins (cheapest Backup for 3 cat spam. Surprising damage and no delay)
  • Executioner (backup event weapon, but has low damage and is quite inaccurate at long range)


  • Dark Force Saber (a Legendary high mobility weapon with Burning, unlocked at a relatively low level)
  • Katana (high mobility melee with average damage but with Bleeding)
  • Tactical Knife (good for predicting movements and has Bleeding, but has decent mobility)
  • Scythe (quite rare to see but high mobility and critical damage make it a decent budget choice)
  • Heroic Epee (high mobility melee with poison and Super Punch and Self Healing. Highly recommended, one of (If not) the best melee(s) in the game. If you have it, use it)
  • Spirit Staff (85 mobility with Area Damage and Burning, but only receivable if you grind until level 30 in the Battle Pass.)
  • Double Cashback (Arguably one of the most powerful melee weapons, next to the Heroic Epee, possesses 100 mobility with a bonus of Chain Damage and Slowdown. Has Fixed Delay but can melee switch)
  • Chainsaw (85 mobility melee weapon with a very cheap price of coins, useful for F2P players and those who don’t want to spend an exorbitant amount)


  • Laser Bouncer (requires melee switch, other than that perfectly fine)
  • Reflector (the Laser Bouncer's more powerful cousin)
  • Poison Darts (powerful 1 shot headshot and 2 shot to the body. The Poison and slowing the target makes it worthwhile, but it requires more accuracy than the NOTIK. It also has no delay, travel time and reload. If you can upgrade it to Legendary, then it good enough to 1 shot bodyshot normal armour and wooden clan armour without modules and wear)
  • Poseidon Trident (A Mythical weapon with armor bonus, Piercing Shot and a large projectile, but has travel time)
  • Music Lover (one of the rarer weapons in the game, it is effective at close range 3 cat spam)
  • Fidget Thrower (Music Lover with a slower fire rate but with higher damage and random effects)
  • Witch Broom (extremely powerful 2 shot kill Area Damage weapon but has Looping Shot and travel time)
  • Portable Death Moon (related to Necklace of the Ice King, but with reload, lower damage, and higher mobility)


  • Photon Sniper Rifle (rarely seen, but has burning, 8x scope and is a one shot to the head when maxed out, has poor mobility but is relatively cheap, being of rare grade, and extremely worth your buck)
  • Anti-Champion Rifle (A Mythical wall-break sniper that is 99% 1 shot on the body, spammed in essentially every server)
  • Prototype (spammed up to level 20, not seen so much after that, but still worth considering)
  • One Shot (poor mobility, despite the name it is sometimes is a two shot but is still quite powerful)
  • Comet (rarely seen but quite good)
  • Alien Sniper Rifle (the only weapon with 6x zoom, can kill a player near you by using ricochet and shooting off the wall, a one shot when maxed out)
  • Laser Bow (a one-shot bow with a 4x scope, though the scope has a gap in the middle making it a bit less accurate)
  • Digital Sunrise (Powerful Sniper Rifle with bleeding and high damage. Has a large capacity and decent fire rate too and its crosshair is easy to aim with. Hard to obtain)
  • Last Hope (2 - 3 shot kill, but high mobility)
  • Sniper Dude (Heavy Sniper Rifle with bleeding, lower capacity, and faster fire rate)
  • Deadman's Rifle (Powerful Area Damage sniper with high damage, 2 shot kill normally)
  • Block Rifle (Digital Sunrise with 1 more capacity and no bleeding, with a bit lower damage)
  • Antivirus (1 headhsot 2 bodyshot Legendary sniper with Ricochet and X-ray. Quite rare but is powerful)
  • Morgana (1 shot head no matter what, 1-2 shots body .Anti Champion Rifle V.2)
  • Masterpiece Musket (meant for medium to short ranges, it deals incredibly high damage due to its unique trait of shooting multiple bullets at once like a shotgun, however ridiculously ineffective at long ranges)
  • Harsh Punisher (Heavy Sniper Rifle but mythical and x-ray and a little bit more damage however hoes not have piercing shot and has one less bullet)


  • Proton Freezer (Royal Ashbringer but deals more damage and has lower capacity and fire rate, spammed a lot in servers)
  • Christmas Ultimatum (A powerful cluster bomb weapon. Although nerfed, it's still a 1-2 shot kill and has large AoE)
  • Deadly Beat (Underrated heavy that deals decent damage but has low fire rate)
  • Destruction System (A moderate weapon that's a 2 shot kill and has a very large AoE. Quite rare to see)
  • Storm of All Seas (spammed when it first came out and is insanely powerful, but has very low mobility)
  • Rocket Jumper (can be obtained right at the start of the game, and is not particularly expensive, though is not good for much else other than rocket jumping)
  • Heart of Volcano (1 - 2 shot with high mobility and Burning, basically Deatruction System with more damage and 2 more capacity, but has a slower projectile travel time)
  • Dark Mage Wand (2 shot kill with instant travel time. Has small Area Damage and burning too)
  • Wizard Wand (Weaker version of Dark Mage Wand that's rarer and has no burning)